About us
Build a business!
Make progress
In reality!
ICcompany is one of the subsidiary companies of the ICholding, which was introduced as “Ecohouse” on the Georgian market in 2015 and since then it has been sustaining a leading position in the field of industrial construction.
Ecohouse was founded by highly experienced managers with 20 years of expertise in the field and industrial construction was determined as its main operational area. After six years of its hardworking, the company has undergone important changes and consequently, the maturity level of the company has increased significantly. Introduced innovations and changes led the company to launch the rebranding process.
ICcompany is mainly specialized in and covers the full range and all phases of industrial construction.
One of the most important priorities to us is to establish long-term partnerships with our clients, hence, we are focused on quality, credibility, and flexibility.
Our Goal
Our goal is to promote the development of industrial operations in Georgia. We also aim to offer various innovative products from the global market to our clients and to support the sustainable development of the country’s economy by constructing industrial sites.
Our Vision
Our vision is to sustain the status of the leading company in the field of industrial sites construction, to establish a long-term partnerships with our clients, offer them innovative technologies and be reliable partners. Moreover, our vision envisages supporting the environmental protection policy. During the construction phase, minimizing the pollution of the environment is one of our top priorities.
Core values of our company
We are believable, reliable, and plausible for our employees and for the clients as well. Being a credible and qualified partner to our clients is the main priority for us.
Continuous Development
We acknowledge that continuous development of the employees guarantees the progress of the company. We don’t set the limits, therefore, we keep encouraging professional and personal growth.
Integrity and Teamwork
We believe that the best result possible is achieved when we work in team.
Our team

დავით მორჩილაძე
გენერალური დირექტორი

გიორგი ფერიშვილი
კომერციული დირექტორი

შოთა ხოფერია
ფინანსური დირექტორი

სოსო მეტრეველი
წარმოების დირექტორი

ნინო ფილფანი
გაყიდვების მენეჯერი

მერაბ ნავროზაშვილი
გაყიდვების მენეჯერი

ლიკა აბესაძე
გაყიდვების მენეჯერი

ეკატერინე თუშური
მარკეტინგის მენეჯერი